Thursday 22 November 2012

Number The Stars Vocabulary by Umair

Check out my vocabulary on my novel, Number the Stars. I did it with the app, Tom's Messenger.

The Boy Who Dared Vocabulary by Ryan

Check out my vocabulary project on the book, The Boy Who Dared. Click here to listen to it.

Number The Stars Vocabulary by Zahra

Check out my vocabulary project on the book, Number The Stars. I made it with the Songify app on my iPad. Click here to listen to it. 

The Boy Who Dared Vocabulary by Cody.

Check out my vocabulary project.  I used the Songify app to create it.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

The Vocabulary Show by Breanna

Click here to listen to my vocabulary project on the book I am reading, The Boy In The Striped Pajamas.

No Time To Say Goodbye Vocabulary by Eugene

Number The Stars Vocabulary by Taylen and Dawson

Number the Stars Vocabulary by Ronny

Check out my vocabulary project for Number The Stars.

Number the Stars Vocabulary by Taylen

I made this with SockPuppets.

The Boy Who Dared Vocabulary by Katrina

Click here to see my Toontastic vocabulary project.

No Time To Say Goodbye Vocabulary by Isaac

Underground to Canada Vocabulary by Noah Z

Number the Stars Vocabulary by Dawson

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas Vocabulary by Jack

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas Vocabulary by Jack

Number the Stars Vocabulary by Min part 2

No Time To Say Good Bye Vocabulary by Jordan

No Time To Say Good Bye Vocabulary by Jordan

Number The Stars Vocabulary Words by Élan

We are reading novel studies in school, and I am reading a book called Number The Stars. In the first section we did some vocabulary work , and I found some really interesting words like: Rucksack and Impassive and I found the definition and I made a sentence too. I really enjoy leaning new words.

The Boy In The Striped Pajamas by Philip

Hey! For my section 1 vocabulary on the book The Boy In The Striped Pajamas, the two words I did were 'Ergo' which means therefore, and the second word was 'Frothy' which means bubbly or foamy. Here's an example of Ergo: "Hey you're my best friend, ergo you're coming to my party on Saturday." Here's an example of the word Frothy: "The drink was so frothy that my throat got a weird taste afterwords." If you want to listen to me, then click on the play button

Boy in The Striped Pajamas By Barron

Number The Stars Vocabulary by Min

Underground To Canada Vocabulary Cruz

Underground To Canada Vocabulary by Cruz

Ronny just Songified something awesome!

I talked into an iPad and the magical app Songify transformed my Number The Stars Vocabulary into a song to which all mankind can now dance.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Number The Stars Vocabulary by Sophia

I made this project in KeyNote on my iPad, and then Mrs. P. exported it to a movie file, so we could view it online.

Underground to Canada Vocabulary by Husam

I created a 'Songify' for my Underground to Canada vocabulary words. Click here to enjoy it.

No Time To Say Goodbye Vocabulary by Mitchell

The Boy In The Striped Pajamas vocabulary Part #2 By Noah W

The Boy In The Striped Pajamas Vocabulary By Noah W